Full Circle
A little under three years ago I had my first high school senior session. While I had photographed many people and families before that session, I had never focused on just one teen. A dear friend asked me to photograph her daughter Sara for her senior year of high school. I never imagined what fun it would be. Sara and I chatted the whole time. Senior year brings out so many emotions. It is both a bittersweet time and a time full of so much promise for the future. I decided to try a few more sessions with seniors and a lightbulb went off in my head. I had been toying with the idea of starting a professional photography business and this was the genre that felt right.
Fast forward three years later and here I was at the same friend’s home photographing Sara’s younger sister Kaitlin. When Kaitlin emerged from the house, I could not believe how grown up she looked! She looked absolutely stunning. Kaitlin has always been friendly and lighthearted whenever I have seen her over the years. That quality has not changed. We had so much fun finding interesting spots around her family’s home to stop for photos. Kaitlin was so cooperative! I could not help but take a similar photo of Kaitlin that I did of her sister. I see a family resemblance.
I knew that water polo has been a big part of Kaitlin’s high school years. I suggested a few fun photos to highlight her sport. Kaitlin agreed and, in the process, I learned quite a bit about water polo. Kaitlin laughed when she posed in a common position for water polo and I had to ask if it was a real move! I think she was a bit surprised to discover that I have never seen a water polo match. What I learned from Kaitlin is that water polo is a pretty tough sport. It is not for the faint of heart. Although I know Kaitlin is a fierce competitor in the water, she is still one of the sweetest seniors I have met. I wish her all the best in her senior year at Greenwich Academy and beyond. I know this beautiful and strong water polo player is ready for anything.